Azores Passage Discussion


Fees & What's Included

Required Equipment
Hampton Departure
St Marten Departure
Bermuda Activities
Crew Service
Rally FAQs
Volunteer to Help

The Azores Rally will depart from St Martin in the Caribbean or Hampton, VA May 18,  2025 weather permitting.  Participants should be flexible enough to allow for a delay in departure due to weather.  At this time of year weather  the central Atlantic can be quite changeable with the effects of late season cold fronts.  The timing of the departure is set to be late enough to avoid most strong North Atlantic winter gales and before the onset of tropical systems.

The passage often provides the full range of strong winds and big seas, lumpy seas from effects of changing weather systems, strong ocean currents, and gentle winds and seas.  The expert input before and during the passage from weather forecaster Chris Parker of the Marine Weather Center (MWC) will help sailors in making sound decisions on timing of departure and offshore routing.  Rally participants receive updates as necessary from the MWC while underway to aid sailors with changing conditions while on passage, as well as assistance from Salty Dawg shoreside coordinators (SSC) for any unexpected challenges.

In general, the passage falls into three distinct sets of conditions:

1. The departure from Virginia to Bermuda occurs with favorable wind direction to get to and across the Gulf Stream (GS) and avoid eddies. This could be on the backside of a cold front with lumpy seas approaching and crossing the GS. Once across the stream, South west winds generally can be expected. 

2. From St Martin,  generally the first part is using the trades, but then the wind can fall light and variable crossing the subtropical ridge and finally southwesterly winds for the final stretch to Bermuda.  

3. From Bermuda to the Azores, the position of the “Azores High” will dictate how far north the fleet will travel northward to find wind for sailing.  Typically the winds north of the High are from the southwest with downwind sailing.


You may choose to travel in close company with another vessel in the fleet – a "buddy boat."  These arrangements between vessels are made during pre-departure activities.

Being part of a Salty Dawg Rally ensures the best expert input on departure and offshore strategies, boats nearby for assistance, staying connected with other vessels through SSB nets and satellite email, Chris Parker weather and routing updates, and Shoreside Coordinator communications and news. Boat position is shown continually for family and friends on our  online tracking map.

Most boats will spend considerable time in the Azores as it is a beautiful destination before sailing on to ports in Europe like the UK or the Mediterranean. 

The SDSA unites experienced ocean sailors with developing cruisers to broaden their blue water horizons.  All Salty Dawg rallies and events are led by seasoned sailors who volunteer their time and knowledge to help cruisers realize their dreams.  If you would like to join us as a volunteer, we would love to benefit from your passion, personality, and expertise as we plan future events.  Click here to volunteer.