October 2023 Newsletter 51
Welcome to our newly expanded newsletter, now monthly and in a new format. For years now, we have been sending out our newsletters every other month and during this time our distribution has grown to remarkable 7,000 per issue. As of this month we are expanding to monthly distribution as so much is going on with the Salty Dawgs and we want to keep you informed.

So, here we are on the cusp of the winter Caribbean season and it’s hard to believe that it’s nearly time for the Salty Dawg Caribbean Rally to depart from Hampton and Newport. After a busy summer cruising season with successful rallies to both Maine and the Canadian Maritimes, all sights are now focused on the Annapolis boat show and our rendezvous featuring Gary Jobson, America’s Cup veteran and much sought after speaker. We are expecting a record turnout so don’t delay in signing up.

Highlights of the Maritime Rally to Nova Scotia Written by Susan Tananbaum, SV Apres Ski
Eighteen boats joined the Maritime Rally this summer, sailing from either Rockland, ME or Provincetown, MA, and rendezvousing in Shelburne, Nova Scotia in mid-July. Sailors from the Down East and Maritime Rallies who gathered in Rockland met for a weather presentation by Chris Parker and a pizza dinner. Thanks to Mike and Ronna Benjamin of Exodus for your awesome organizing and warm welcome to the Rally. Rally Dawgs began exchanging useful information as soon as Mike set up the What’s App group. We shared information about Maine’s pesky and sometimes toggled lobster pots, weather resources, the water temperatures around Cape Sable (chilly – some recorded temps as low as 42 degrees with fog) and that the entrance to Shelburne Harbour was easy, but there were fish pens to avoid. Along the way, there were great wildlife sightings, including a breaching whale, a leatherback turtle and bald eagles.
Meet Morgan Wells from Jack Martin & Associates
Diane MacDonald-Mackenzie had an opportunity to chat with Morgan Wells from Jack Martin and Associates. He shared some great information regarding Maritime insurance today.

Please introduce yourself to our readers and share a bit about how you got into the Maritime Insurance Industry.
Since 1929, Jack Martin & Associates has provided boat, yacht, and marine insurance throughout the US and worldwide. I have been a Yacht Insurance Specialist for Jack Martin & Associates for over 32 years and am an independent insurance agent, specializing exclusively in yacht insurance. I love this business and can relate well with my clients because I am also a lifelong sailor with an extensive resume of both yacht racing and passage making. In addition to extensive cruising on the U.S. East and West coasts, I have sailed to Bermuda a few times, the entire Caribbean, Mexico, Southeast Asia, and an Indian Ocean crossing from Thailand to Yemen and up the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
What are the current trends in Maritime Insurance?